The Estancia Club

The Estancia Club

The Estancia Club
27998 N 99th Pl
Scottsdale, AZ 85262-5664
Tel.: +1 480 473 4400
18 Holes

3 Ratings







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3 Reviews

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Fazio Masterpiece


This very exclusive Scottsdale AZ layout is a treat to play. Impeccable service and conditions. Tricky greens to figure out. Take a caddy. They are shot savers. ProV range balls and two all-included on course snack bars add to the experience. Layout is incredible!

Peter Butler

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Ein absoluter Traumplatz. Jedes Loch ist ein Highlight. Der Platzzustand lässt keine Zweifel, dass man sich auf einem der besten Privatclubs Arizona befindet. Wenn man die Möglichkeit bekommt hier zu spielen, würde ich auch einen größeren Umweg auf mich nehmen.


Desert Golf Masterpiece


Desert Golf at its best! What an amazing golf course! Tom Fazio did an amazing job using the natural contours around Pinnacle Peak to create this masterpiece. 90% of the Tee Shots are from elevated tee boxes providing memorable views. The greens are rather tricky and super fast! Good luck to not three-putt. An important rule to consider is to keep the ball in play. Fairways are rather generous but use good clubselection to hit in on short grass. Estancia is an expereince of its own!

Eric Dreyfus

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