Penina Hotel & Golf Resort

Penina Hotel & Golf Resort

Penina Hotel & Golf Resort
Apartado 146-Penina
8501-952 Penina - Portimão
Tel.: +351 282 420 200
36 Holes

48 Ratings







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4 Reviews

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Very beautiful


I couldn’t play holes on the sea because closed but golf was very nice and tricky with a lot of wind. To be tested!!


Reviews in other languages:

Glorious Parkland


Partly because it was the first but mostly because it's a glorious parkland experience, Penina's championship course has to be included on everyone's top five in the Algarve. It's a gentle walking course so you won't need a buggy and the flowers, of which there are plenty, deserve to be smelt. Tightish, fair and with some wonderful water features, it's fabulous.

Silky Swing

One of the finest


One of the finest in Western Europe. Premium placed on distance and accuracy. Flanked by streams, lakes and precarious ditches, the course boasts an array of subtle slopes and raised greens. Fantastic golf resort for the whole family to enjoy.




Wir spielten hier bei herrlichem Wetter auf einem gewachsenen Platz. Der Einstieg war mühsam (9-Loch mit 18 versetzten Abschlägen). Als das gemeistert war, entpuppte sich der Platz als gediegene Überraschung. Optik, Landschaft, alles dabei.


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