Verdura Resort

Verdura Resort

Verdura Resort
S.S. 115 Km 131
92019 Sciacca
Tel.: +39 092 599 81 80
45 Löcher

26 Bewertungen







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Tipical italien style


A very nice track. Not easy to play but still enjoyable. The view on the last few holes is the signature move of the Verdura Resort. The greens spectacular and fast and the practice and service are awesome.

Mischa Peter PGA

A golf course from heaven


There are two courses the East and West in the resort. What is wonderful about the course is the variety of the views. About half the holes are on the coast of the sea and Half are in the more rural atmosphere of Sicily. My favorite hole is number 6, a par three, where you hit towards the sea. Needless to say that course maintainance is impeccable and greens roll amazing and really fast. Management and personnel are really nice, great pro shop, but the entire resort is just beautiful. The prices are high and you definitely pay for what you get but it's worth a visit if you're in the area.

Elisabetta Bertini

Vibrant Verdura


The East Course really is a top notch course. It's got an undulating feel to it throughout particularly at the third which plays to an offset green guarded by bunkers. The short par 3 sixth is another great hole, it's described as the club's postage stamp hole. Testing but in great condition.


Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Tolle großzügige Golfanlage


2 offene ,links’ ähnliche Golfplätze. Beide spielen sich sehr angenehm. Je nach Tee Box und Wind ergeben sich längere und anspruchsvolle Paar 4s. Super Service. Schönes Golfresort. Gerne kommen wir wieder.




Giocato le buche del percorso 2019, e dire che e’ il paradiso e’ poco. Green perfetti, veloci e scorrevoli; fairway senza una sola macchia ingiallita, bunker colmi di sabbia. Le ultime 4 buche sul mare sono commoventi. Un posto da favola


Grosszügiger Platz


Abwechslungsreich, sehr gut gepflegt. Tolle Greens. Teilweise mit wunderschöner Sicht auf das Meer. Freundlicher Empfang im Club, sehr gut organisiert


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