Vanajanlinna Golf & Country Club

Vanajanlinna Golf & Country Club

Vanajanlinna Golf & Country Club
Vanajanlinnantie 485
13330 Hämeenlinna
Tel.: +358 3 610 2600
18 Löcher

7 Bewertungen







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Majestic forest setting


Linna Golf is the creation of Tim Lobb from European Golf Design. You feel like you are playing in a remote area of Finland with enormous pine trees, but it’s less than a 90 minute drive from Helsinki. Generous fairways, beautiful surroundings. The manor was the former headquarters of the Finnish communist party. Ask about the quirks in the architecture…. One of the most popular resorts in Finland for summer weddings.

Kaia Means

Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Lupenreine 5 *****


Trotz sehr durchwachsenem Wetter ein super Golftag. Da stimmt alles vom Clubhaus über die Fairways, Grüns usw. Schade, dass Finnland so weit vom Schwarzwald entfernt ist.


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