San Valentino Golf Club

San Valentino Golf Club

San Valentino Golf Club
Via Telarolo 12
42014 San Valentino di Castellarano
Tel.: +39 0536 854512
24 Löcher

11 Bewertungen







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4 Rezensionen

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Landschaftlich wundervoll


Die Ränge ist winzig und weit weg zu laufen. Der Platz bietet tolle Ausblicke, ist spielerisch eine Herausforderung und bietet tolle Abschläge von Anhöhen ins Tal. Wer laufen will, sollte aber gut im Training sein. Das Clubhaus ist großzügig und einladend angelegt und lädt zum Verweilen auf der Terrasse ein.


Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Difficile ma bello


Campo montano, tosto ma molto piacevole. Si consiglia cart. Struttura grande. Ristorante top. Piacevole, merita una visita


Good in parts


Difficult to navigate around the front 9 if it is your first time but the second nine is much stronger although pay careful attention to your line on some drives. A bit more investment in the course would make it much stronger. A cavernous clubhouse but very welcoming staff

M Wills

Needs a new driving range


The driving range is definitely the most uncomfortable I have ever seen and it's pretty small. The clubhouse is very big, I pretty sure it also has a few rooms if you wish to stay there. I loved the arrival on the 18th green, where you arrive at the club house and the pool area. On the course they re-did from hole 2 to 5 and they become pretty difficult in comparison with the old layout. The rest of the holes are pretty tight, with a particular design, that's not bad at all.

Elisabetta Bertini

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