Piltdown Golf Club

Piltdown Golf Club

Piltdown Golf Club
Uckfield TN22 3XB
Tel.: +44 1825 722033
18 Löcher

7 Bewertungen







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Good for Piltdown Man and Woman


If you hate bunkers you will love Piltdown because there is not even one of the wretched things. However, there are plenty of other problems, not least the pretty clumps of heather and gorse. The former ensures Piltdown is purple from July to September. There are fewer trees than there were thanks to the small flock of Hebridean sheep which happily assist the green-keeper by munching unwanted saplings.

Silky Swing

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Im Umbruch


Hervorragend unterhaltene Greens und keine Bunker. Das Problem kann aber das Heidekraut werden. Ansonsten ein schöner, relativ einfach zu spielender Platz, vor allem vom Damenabschlag.


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