Golspie Golf Club

Golspie Golf Club

Golspie Golf Club
Ferry Road
Golspie KW10 6ST
Tel.: +44 1408 633 266
18 Löcher

11 Bewertungen







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A very short course at 6000 yards and you get a golden chance of a birdie at the first with a short par 5. All about strategy here, you could go round with a fairway wood or hybrid off the tees if you're a good player. Best holes come from 14 into the house.


Four Courses in One


Golspie starts off as a links, morphs into heathland, develops into woodland and finishes as parkland. A truly lovely course enjoying great views and beautifully presented in excellent condition. You could never grow weary of playing it.

Silky Swing

Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:



Netter Golfplatz mit extrem netten Leuten


Ein sehr schöner Links Course


Ein sehr schöner an der Nordsee gelegener Links Golfplatz mit anspruchsvollen Grüns und schmalen Fairways.


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