Golf Marco Simone

Golf Marco Simone

Golf Marco Simone
Via di Marco Simone
00012 Guidonia
Tel.: +39 077 436 64 69
27 Löcher

16 Bewertungen







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Home of the Ryder cup 2022


The course is situated near Rome and what made this the home of the Ryder cup where the views to the city, as there isn't another course with the same possibility.the course will be completely redone for the Ryder cup 2022 and the designs are being drawn as I'm writing. All I can say when it will be finished it will be the golf course Italy has to offer just next to the Pope, and that itself is magnificent!

Elisabetta Bertini

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Ryder Cup 2023


Kurz vor dem Ryder Cup 2023 ist dieser Platz sehr schwierig zu spielen, bietet aber mit den teilweise riesigen Tribünen eine ganz spezielle Ambiance. Es gibt überall hohes Semi-Rough und Rough, das einen mindestens einen Schlag kostet, wenn man dort landet (und das geht schnell, da die Fairways schmal sind). Wenn man denn seinen Ball überhaupt findet.... Das Layout ist abwechslungsreich und spannend mit vielen Doglegs und Höhenunterschieden. Dazu gibt es sehr gute Greens und tadellose Fairways.

F. S.

Ryder Cup 2023 Course


The main course has been completely renewed to host the Ryder Cup in 2023 and the next Italian Open 2021 and is now ready to play. The new design is developed by the European Golf Design Studio in collaboration with European Tour design studio and the architect Tom Fazio, son of Jim Fazio, who had originally designed Marco Simone’s golf course. The two design studios, one American and the other European, have created a course technically challenging, fun and full of obstacles. 7 different tee boxes (4 for men and 3 for women) allow all players to play the course from the most appropriate length, making Marco Simone’s experience definitely worth a visit - great course with very tough and penal rough.


Schwieriger und intressanter platz mit giftigen g


Schwieriger aber sehr schöner platz mit giftigen greens


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