Golf Club Piandisole

Golf Club Piandisole

Golf Club Piandisole
Via alla Pineta, 1
28057 Premeno
Tel.: +39 032 358 71 00
9 Löcher

5 Bewertungen







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3 Rezensionen

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Thought on the breath


I think it's one of the first golf courses in Italy to be public and not private. The views throughout the round are amazing and it will definitely be a workout to play here. The par 3s on this 9 holes course are pretty easy, the harder part is trying to hit the shots in the right places as the fairways have many slopes and going the wrong way will leave you in the deep rough. Interesting on the course will be the second shot on the 8th hole once you see the huge pine!

Elisabetta Bertini

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Muss man einmal gespielt haben


Recht anstrengender Platz, bergauf und bergab. Teilweise recht schmal. Dürfte besser gepflegt sein. Treppen und Wege etwas in die Jahre gekommen. Aber ein Erlebnis den mal zu spielen!




Percorso di montagna; potrebbe essere anche impegnativo e divertente. Purtroppo difetta di cura e manutenzione


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