Golf Club Monticello

Golf Club Monticello

Golf Club Monticello
Via Volta 63
22070 Cassina Rizzardi
Tel.: +39 031 928055
36 Löcher

34 Bewertungen







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Campi stupendi in una location da favola


Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Gute Mischung


36 Loch Anlage, blau ist mit mehr Bunkern und rot mit mehr Wasser. Sehr gerade Kurs, hat einige knifflige Löcher, eher lang daher schwierig zu spielen. Schnelle ubd gut bewachte Greens und meist weiche sehr enge Fairways. Futuristisches Clubhouse


Traumhaft 36 Loch Anlage


Traumhafte Fairways, super Wetter, tolle Greens ⛳️ Ein Besuch wert !




Sehr schwieriger Platz, enge Fairways, Wasser, flach, schwierige Greens, Platz im Umbau, zur Zeit nicht in gutem Zustand.




Alle Greens eine Katastrophe


Wonderful golf club


Monticello is known to be the place in Milan where most Italian pro golfers train, since is such a great golf club and golf course. Right now they are changing the grass on the back nine on the red course, so I can't say the course is in perfect condition, but it's a really great course to play with a fun layout. The practice range is quite wide with driving range, chipping, sand and putting green. There is also a small gym on the bottom floor of the club house and a pool area called clubbino, great for kids. It's a must stop if you are close to Milan or going to Switzerland. The restaurant is really good and I would recommend a great aperitivo on the terrace overlooking the 18th green.

Elisabetta Bertini

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