Golf Club Le Fronde

Golf Club Le Fronde

Golf Club Le Fronde
Via Sant'Agostino 68
10051 Avigliana
Tel.: +39 011 932 80 53
18 Löcher

11 Bewertungen







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I have played many times over the years at this golf club, and every time it's a new experience. The golf course is a bit technical because of its slopes and so you need to figure out how many more clubs to hit or less clubs to hit. It's also pretty narrow. The ambient is nice and lovely and not too sophisticated. Good practice facilities and good food. I think it has a great price/quality relation.

Elisabetta Bertini

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Campo divertente, in condizioni perfette. Bunker pieni di sabbia e Green perfetti. Prezzo ottimo 50 euro Green fee e cart


Alles OK


Der Platz ist ok. Sehr schön angelegt. Leider fehlt es an der Pfleg.


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