El Kantaoui Golf Course

El Kantaoui Golf Course

El Kantaoui Golf Course
4089 Port El Kantaoui
Tel.: +216 73 348 756
36 Löcher

31 Bewertungen







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Tunisian seaside resort


Two courses, the Sea is the second course. First time I played here I saw a boy walking his camel by just on the outside of the course boundary. Great place to come for a week of sun and 36 holes to choose from. Nice 5 star hotels a stone's throw away.

Kaia Means

Kantaoui Rhymes with Wowee!


Five minutes from the picturesque port from which it gets its name, the club operates a sensible system of separating high and low handicappers by rotating the course upon which each can play. A regular venue of the Tunisian Seniors Open, the pros play on a composite course which naturally takes the best from each course. Not surprisingly, the Sea Course runs along the beach for a stretch while the Panorama Course enjoys the more impressive views.

Silky Swing

Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Licht und Schatten


Bis Loch 15 ziemlich langweilig. Dann hat’s noch ein paar interessante Bahnen. Pflegezustand eher dürftig.


Guter Pflegezustand


Haben beide Plätze gespielt und waren begeistert. Sea Course ein bisschen einfacher zu spielen. Panorama Course ohne Car ziemlich anstrengend da große Steigung, wird mit toller Rundumsicht belohnt.


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