Aroeira Golf

Aroeira Golf

Aroeira Golf
Herdade da Aroeira
2820-567 Charneca da Caparica
Tel.: +351 212 979 110
36 Löcher

31 Bewertungen







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Vers Nice place


In very nice pinewood and close to the sea you’ll enjoy to play. Fields are proportionate to the price.


Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Traditional tree lined golfcourse


Aroeira I (Classic Pines) The layout of this cool golf course is quite demanding with narrow fairways to hit. Most teeboxes are not well maintained and it‘s not the lobgest course. However, the course is rather flat and the many pine trees provide a nice experience to play to kick off your vacation. No driving range and rather inexistent practice facility. Aroeira II (Challenger) The more challening golfcourse of the Aroeira courses. Some elevated teeshots into the great treelined course design on this property. However, the greens were average and the clubhouse of this course is actually a pool building. Lot more water hazard come into play on this golf course. There are more elevation changes than the Classic Pines course.

Eric Dreyfus

Vedligeholdelse af banen ikke imponerende


Vedligeholdelse af banerne ikke imponerende - især ikke Aroeira ll




Two spectacular layouts. Aroeira 1 is the better course - uses natural contours of the land and pine trees as protection, relinquishing the need for fairway bunkers. Aroeira 2 features more woodland and new Penn A2 grass that can be cut to 2mm, and I believe it's the first course in Portugal to do this.


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