The Ocean Club

The Ocean Club

The Ocean Club
One Casino Drive
Paradise Island
Tel.: +1 242 363 2501
18 Löcher

8 Bewertungen







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Paradise golf course


I think the best course of the Bahamas, needless to say its spectacular! The course is surrounded by the most amazing views and I don't think I have ever played a golf course so beautiful. The layout of the course is typical American, with a great use of Bermuda grass, which I think is great. Of course staying on the fairways will be the key factor to having good shots to the greens. Be aware of the wind and try to use it to your advantage. Great facility, definitely pricy.

Elisabetta Bertini

Abundant Wildlife


A two-minute courtesy drive from the Atlantis Hotel, the Ocean Club enjoys a wonderfully dramatic setting and the soothing sound of the waves helps calm the nerves when putting. The abundant wildlife - the course encompasses a bird sanctuary - add considerably to the pleasure.

Silky Swing

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Ein „must have“ in der Sammlung jedes Golfspielers!


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