Golf Club Ambrosiano

Golf Club Ambrosiano

Golf Club Ambrosiano
Cascina Bertacca
20080 Bubbiano
Tel.: +39 348 6155 039
18 Löcher

12 Bewertungen







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3 Rezensionen

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What a place !!


Absolutely great golf course that is perfectly maintained especially after the hot summer we had, I'm sure it's going to be great also for the winter season. The course is hard and know you'll be seeing lots of water!It's especially great because also non golfers can enjoy a day in the green not too far from MILANO. Great restaurant.

Elisabetta Bertini

Bewertungen in anderen Sprachen:

Acqua, acqua e ancora acqua


Bello il percorso, vario e divertente ma gli ostacoli d’acqua sono veramente tanti


Bello e pianeggiante


Bellissimo campo, ben tenuto, pieno di acqua ma piacevole e piano. Servizi all'altezza, molto molto piacevole


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